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(Info: The product preview is only an estimation. The waveform and title will match when the product is received.)

Matt C.

Mika's Laundry

Mika's Laundry

Poster Type
Regular price $21.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.99 USD
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These waveform posters are based on the project "Mika's Laundry" By Matt Champion. Songbird Music Decor gives you the freedom to display your favorite moments from the record through customization at no extra cost. Every poster has Tapbird tech, allowing you to tap the poster with your phone to go straight to the album, driving traffic back to the artist. 


  1. Green 
  2. Aphid (Ft. ​Dijon)
  3. Steel (Ft. Dora Jar)
  4. Gbiv
  5. Purify
  6. Dogfish
  7. Code Red
  8. Aren't You Excited
  9. Slug
  10. Everybody Likes You
  11. Project 
  12. Slow Motion by Matt Champion & JENNIE
  13. Meetin' You

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